3 Steps to Building the Perfect Email

Does the ‘Perfect Email’ exist? It sure does, and it’s somewhere out there, waiting to be built by you! We address some of the all-time burning questions on templates, layout, A/B testing and more in this fun infographic. Do look out for some nifty tips and best practices along the way too. Feel free to … More 3 Steps to Building the Perfect Email

The 6 Must-Have Emails for your Email Marketing Strategy

1. The Welcome Email Just like meeting someone for the first time, the welcome email is your subscriber’s first experience with your brand, and therefore, you should aim to make a good first impression. Keep the messaging sincere and provide useful information and links to help your subscriber discover your brand and offerings further. Take … More The 6 Must-Have Emails for your Email Marketing Strategy

Believe it or not, Adele and Bye-IQ are telling the same story…

“Hello from the outside…At least I can say that I’ve tried.”  -Adele As Adele wails in her hit song, “Hello,” if you’re trying to connect with someone, there’s value in trying, even if it’s not easy, and doesn’t always work out. You may feel like it’s a long-shot, but what have you got to lose? … More Believe it or not, Adele and Bye-IQ are telling the same story…

This holiday season send less email to make more money

By Paul Tenney, CEO of Ematic Solutions It’s Holiday Time, and that means marketers worldwide are warming up their servers and preparing to bombard inboxes with billions upon billions of promotional messages. From Black Friday to Cyber Monday (and we’re hearing whispers of Cyber Saturday now) to the 12 days of Christmas, most marketers view … More This holiday season send less email to make more money