Email Analytics: What should be measured?

Marketing has become more measurable and numbers-driven, therefore, to be a successful marketer, you need to be fluent in the numbers and KPIs that are representative of your organisation’s success. Before you send your next email,  ask yourself: What is the goal of your email marketing? Do you want to grow your subscriber database, generate … More Email Analytics: What should be measured?

The 6 Must-Have Emails for your Email Marketing Strategy

1. The Welcome Email Just like meeting someone for the first time, the welcome email is your subscriber’s first experience with your brand, and therefore, you should aim to make a good first impression. Keep the messaging sincere and provide useful information and links to help your subscriber discover your brand and offerings further. Take … More The 6 Must-Have Emails for your Email Marketing Strategy

We found the most important segment for email marketing, sourced with data.

We found the most important segment for email marketing, sourced with data. The 20% of your customers generating 80% of the returns The Answers, Straight Away: Engagement is the most important segment. Engaged subscribers outperform Non-Engaged subscribers on key marketing metrics like Open Rates and Click Rates. Control Group *Segmented by engagement Improvement Open Rates … More We found the most important segment for email marketing, sourced with data.

A/B Testing is Compound Interest for Email Results

If you aren’t already A/B testing, you have no excuse. For email,  most popular ESPs like Mailchimp, Oracle Marketing Cloud and Emarsys all offer easy ways to implement A/B testing, while web A/B testing tools are available. A/B testing requires relatively little effort and pays off on three levels, find out how. … More A/B Testing is Compound Interest for Email Results