Believe it or not, Adele and Bye-IQ are telling the same story…

“Hello from the outside…At least I can say that I’ve tried.”  -Adele

As Adele wails in her hit song, “Hello,” if you’re trying to connect with someone, there’s value in trying, even if it’s not easy, and doesn’t always work out. You may feel like it’s a long-shot, but what have you got to lose? It’s definitely better than never taking a minute to muster up the courage and see if this goodbye even needs to happen. At the heart of it, while maybe not quite as dramatic as Adele’s plea, that’s how we at Ematic Solutions view our application, Bye-IQ.

If you’ve got a prospect floating around your website, doesn’t it make sense to do everything you can not to let that person depart anonymously into the night? Even if they aren’t going to purchase something on this visit, taking a second to ask them for their email is a way that you don’t need to say goodbye forever…or if you think they might be tempted with a special offer, sharing that info with them in a way that gets their attention is an effective way to nudge someone toward a conversion. Of course, you don’t want to be annoying and keep asking them repeatedly, so we’ve built in a mechanism to prevent the overlays from showing up after someone has dismissed it previously.

By installing our Bye-IQ application, you’ll be able to display a branded overlay on your website at intelligent times, such as when a person’s about to leave, if they’ve been on the site a specified amount of time, or scrolled a certain length down the page. The overlay is highly configurable, both in terms of what triggers it and what it displays, and best of all, our team can advise you on best practices for the strongest results. Speaking of results, our customers have seen that there’s typically around a 20% up-tick in subscribers the weeks after installation, compared to the weeks before. Now, who wouldn’t want that?  Bye-IQ, like all of Ematic’s solutions, is integrated with your MailChimp account, so email addresses that you do collect are passed directly into your list to receive regular communications. By keeping that relationship going, that’s where you’ll really start to see the benefits of not letting someone leave without at least saying Bye. Please contact us to learn more about Bye-IQ today!



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